30 over 30 | A Limited Podcast Series | Pt 1
Sharing my 30th Birthday Reflections and Lessons on Life, Faith, Purpose, Motherhood, & Love
Well, it’s finally here — my 30th birthday. By the time you read this, I turned 30 on Wednesday, October 11th… and I’m still processing how I feel about it. And this reel my husband shared with me at the top of the year isn’t helping. 😒
On the one hand, I am blessed to have arrived at this beautiful milestone, but on the other hand, I am not ready to embrace the weight, responsibility, and reality that comes every year as we age. Time is going by faster and faster, and I see the manifestation of its quickness in myself and my oldest son, who turns three the day after my own birthday (his birthday is the 12th 🙂). With every birthday, I am reminded that he is not a baby anymore, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
No matter how much I wish I could go back and feel his tiny folds, hold those tiny fingers, and snuggle him in my arms, he can’t remain a baby forever. Every year he grows not only bigger but smarter, more mature, and more into himself. But if he remained a baby? I wouldn’t be able to witness the kind, funny, smart, and wonderful boy he is becoming.
If I’m being honest with myself, just how I wish I could hold onto my son’s infancy, in some ways, I wish I could hold onto my youth. I was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and bold… but I was also naive, self-focused, and disillusioned. I was a baby who had much growing to do. Now? I am stronger, wiser, grounded, and much freer and lighter than ever. Like my son, I am becoming. And the over the next few weeks, I’m sharing all the lessons I have learned along the way in this special, three-part podcast series, 30 over 30. I originally planned this to be one audio post but quickly realized after recording that I had so much to share, so it’s a little chatty but it’s rich and real. Cozy up, grab your favorite beverage, and give it a listen!
Did you enjoy this audio post? I would love to know! I’m toying around with doing more of these audio posts or even adding a podcast to this Substack. Leave me a comment or reply to this email sharing your feedback or any topics you think I should cover.
About this Collection
Freely & Lightly is a collection of personal musings and raw and honest essays from my journey of undoing and becoming. Through sharing personal stories, inspirational books, favorite links, or the mundanities of everyday living, I hope you leave inspired, encouraged, and refreshed. So take a load off. Recover your life. Lean into your season. Let the Lord refresh you as you learn His unforce rhythms of grace.
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I really enjoyed listening and reading. I light a candle and drink my coffee and relax.