This is such a refreshing perspective! There’s got to be space for rest and peace to co-exist with the desire for personal growth and development! Such wise words! 💛

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Yes! I had to come from up under the lie that rest = laziness. Just like the plants go through a fallow or rest season to ready themselves for growth, we must allow ourselves to rest as we grow too. Thank you for reading and sharing! 💛

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I was just thinking these things. Sometimes I say to myself "I pray to much to be going through all of this." Then I read Psalm

13, Pslam 77 and I feel like I'm in good company.

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Yes! We can't self-help our way out of every struggle. Wish we could though sometimes 😂

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Wow that’s wild😂 thank you so much and you too!🥰

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Aw congrats on the twins!💕 I just had a baby 2.5 months ago and I can’t even imagine having two. You’re a rockstar!! And praise Jesus for how He has moved in your life🥰

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Yes, at the time my oldest son was 17 months, so I went from having one to three under two! 😅 The twins just turned two at the end of the March, so it has been a journey of unlearning and becoming over the last few years. God has been good! And congrats to you! The newborn period is probably my favorite! Enjoy all the snuggles, and Happy Mother's Day! 🥰

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As a therapist I’ve wrestled with this as well! I didn’t have complete breakthrough in my life until I truly began to rest in God’s love for me. It brought me to repentance, revival, made me hungry for the Word, eager to be in the secret place with Him every day. That’s how my life changed and continues to change as trials arise in life. Without that I was just on a hamster wheel. Thank you for sharing this perspective Janelle!

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I can totally relate to being on that hamster wheel! It wasn't until I gave birth to my twins back in early 2022 that the Lord really showed me the unhealthy mindset and behaviors I was engaged in. He has definitely used my motherhood journey to slow me down and show me how to be not just do. I'm very grateful for the deliverance He has brought me in this season.

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Superb insights and loads of encouragement ...

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Thank you so much, Linda! I’ve also been enjoying going through your archive over the last few weeks. ☺️

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Oh cool!

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Yes! As I like to say, less self-help, more Holy Spirit help! Great post.

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Yes, that’s it right there! Thank you!

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